Paws Meadow has been built for you and your dog’s enjoyment, by booking the facility you agree to the following terms of use:

Opening Times:

 Paws Meadow will be open during daylight hours which will change each season.

 Session Times:

 25 or 55 minute sessions allowing a 5 minute change over time to avoid contact with other customers.

 Should you arrive late for your booked session you must still leave promptly at the allocated end time to omit going into the next sessions booking.

 Once you enter the Paws Meadow please ensure the gate is closed by using the slide, please check this is secure prior to disembarking your dog.


 Rules and Regulations:

 Maximum of 4 dogs per session unless otherwise agreed.

 To keep the environment clean, please pick up your dog’s waste and use the bins provided, poo bag dispensers are placed within the Meadow, please use them, failure to comply will omit future bookings.

 Please take all your litter, toys, treats away with you at the end of the session, should you find anything from a previous session please contact us immediately.



 Please park using the hardstanding area provided, avoiding the grass and remember to be courteous to other users.

 Vehicles are parked at the owner’s risk, Paws Meadow will not be held responsibility for any damage or theft.

 Should you arrive and the previous customer is still within the Meadow please remain in your vehicle and contact on 01962 771815 or 07788 297531.

 Please note this is a non-smoking area.

 Should you use the hose to clean down your dog or simply giving them a drink, please ensure this turned off after use.

 We are working farm please be aware of farm machinery, children and livestock as you enter the farm.

 Paws Meadow has an uneven surface, some of which may be concealed or not obvious, trees are surrounding and inside the paddock, although these are maintained, however please be aware of any branches that may fall during turbulent weather conditions.

 We do have resident guinea fowl that do like to par take in the sessions and may fly into the paddock, do not worry as they will exit as soon as the dogs get near them.

 We are surrounded by neighbouring farms who carry out country life pursuits and therefore gun shot or field scares may be heard, however, this is not in close proximity of the Meadow.

 Paws Meadow is regularly maintained and inspected, however, in the unlikely event of any issue please make us aware and contact us on 01962 771815 or 07788 297531.


Dog Welfare:

 All dogs on site must be micro chipped and hold an up to date vaccination and regular treatment for flea, tick and worm prevention, the kennel cough vaccine is preferred.

 All dogs must be covered by third party liability insurance.

 If your dog has been unwell in the past 2 days (48 hours) please do not attend the session. This will include any symptoms of sickness, Diarrhoea and kennel cough with 3 days (72 hours).

 We take no responsibility for any dog that should become ill or dies from anything in jested or comes into contact with whilst on site. No liability of any costs incurred by yourselves will be borne to Paws Meadow

 We have provided a safe environment for your dog(s) however, in the absence of negligence Paws Meadow will not be responsible for your dog escaping, injury or death as result.

 The fencing area is roughly 6ft in height and it is your responsibility to keep your dog within the boundary at all times.

 Should any of the equipment / apparatus be a danger in any weather condition Paws Meadow cannot be held responsible for any injury / death.

 Users must report any accidents or incidents immediately by contacting us on 01962 771815 or 07788 297531.

 Please ensure any spectators you bring along with you have familiarised themselves with our terms and conditions, should you have children with you they must be supervised at all times.

 Use of the Meadow is entirely at your own risk, Paws Meadow and the landowner accepts no liability for the injury or death of any persons / animal or damaged property, we accept no liability for any losses, claims actions damages or expenses whilst on site,

 You and your dog’s behaviour are your sole responsibility and no claim can be made against us.

 Paws Meadow reserve the right to amend a booking at any time, an alternative date and time will be offered, should the customer not wish to do so a full refund will be given.

Cancellation Policy:

 Any bookings received are non-refundable.